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Rider's Roost

From a Rider's Bunkhouse to a Technical Trainer for young shop employees or career-oriented employees looking to expand their knowledge of insider's secrets on bike assembly, bearing adjustments, cleat and seat placements, custom insole fabrication, alignment, and bio-mechanic efficiencies.  Come for 2 days or 2 weeks, and learn while you explore Moab by bike.  Everyone wants to visit Moab and ride it's renouned terrain, get the boss to foot the bill and return to work with tons more to offer him.  Special pricing available on request.    

Custom Insole Fabrication

With 20 years in the business, we can show you the ins-and-outs of increasing your sales numbers as well as helping you fabricate the most comfortable and intrinsic footbeds and custom insoles possible.  A thorough understanding of all concepts, materials, and techniques designed to save you time and be as efficient as possible.  Insight on tool acquisitions, and qualifying your adjustments/recommendations/canting and finished products are a top priority.

Bicycle Assembly

Assembling hundreds of bikes a year since the late 80's, and trained in the environment where disassembly was the precusor to assembly. Priorities include greasing all threads, proper bearing adjustments, adequate grease, and locking-in those adjustments forever.  Proper assembly insures that the bike is trouble free for a lifetime, not just to get it through the break-in period. How to determine the ultimate housing lengths, wheel dishing, tensioning, and trueing, and proper torque specs for components are all discussed here.  Learn the requirements for a properly built bike.

Bike Selection & Fitting

In a world where frame options include traditional, compact, rigid mountain, full-suspension, cross, and hybrid designs a bike can't be fit by standover height.  The most important factor in determining frame size is femur length.  If the knee can't be placed effectively over the pedal, you are not on the best frame size possible.  It's time to be revolutionary when selecting a frame size, whether for yourself, or your customers.  Once you've helped your customer select the perfect steed, a little time spent installing cleats, adjusting the seat, and finding a comfortable hand position is fairly quick but will build a relationship for life.



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